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How to Use AITable Keyboard Shortcuts?

When you get used to AITable, you'll definitely love its powerful and flexible features, as well as looking for more efficient operations.

AITable provides a large number of keyboard shortcuts to make your operation more efficient.

General editing of forms

Quick FeaturesmacOSwindows
Copycmd + cctrl + c
Pastecmd + vctrl + v
Undocmd + zctrl + z
Redocmd + ycmd + shift + zctrl + shift + z
Insert record belowshift + entershift + enter
Insert record aboveshift + cmd + entershift + alt + enter
Expand recordspacespace
Edit cellenter / F2enter / F2

Datasheet orientation control

Furthermore, the arrow keys in the AITable are also compatible with Emacs shortcut key bindings so you can control forward, backward, up, and down.

Quick FeaturesmacOSwindows
Move to the cell above
Move to the cell below
Move to the left cell
Move to the right cell
Move to the top cellcmd + ctrl +
Move to the bottom cellcmd + ctrl +
Move to the left-most cellcmd + ctrl +
Move to the right-most cellcmd + ctrl +
Scroll one screen uppageuppageup
Scroll one screen downpagedownpagedown
Select allcmd + actrl + a
Select cells upwardsshift+ shift+
Select cells upwards to the topcmd + shift + ctrl + shift +
Select cells downwardsshift + shift +
Select cells downwards to the bottomcmd + shift + ctrl + shift +
Select cells towards the leftshift + shift +
Select cells to the left-mostcmd + shift + ctrl + shift +
Select cells towards the rightshift + shift +
Select cells to the right-mostcmd + shift + ctrl + shift +