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Number is a field type that is used to store numbers for visualization or computation.

Common scenarios using "Number" field to hold numbers are:

For inventory management, use number field to record the quantity of products in the warehouse;

For academy management, use number field to record the scores of students;



To have a "Number" field, you can double click the field header and set the field type as "Number". You can also cutomize the field's details with following below instructions.

Setting a unit

If you set a unit for the number field, all values in this field will contain the unit by the side.



You'll have the option of selecting the precision up to 4 decimal places.

  • 1
  • 1.0
  • 1.00
  • 1.000
  • 1.0000

Default value

Once you set a default value, a new record will be added with the default number entered.



If you enter texts into "Number" field, the texts will be automatically removed.


Application example

  • In inventory management scenario, you can customize and set a unit for the product according to its characteristics;
