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Introduction to the Operators

Operators are an important part of formulas that represent the rules of operations between data.

We classify operators into three types: numeric operators, textual operators, and logical operators.

Numeric operators

Add sign ( + )

Adds two values together.


// Adding pure values
Formula: 1 + 2
Result of the operation: 3

// Text and numerical summation (the plus sign will stitch the value when it encounters the text value)
Formula: "1" + 2
Result: "12"

Formula: "badge" + 2
Operation results: "badge 2"

// Numeric type of {field} and numeric value summation
Formula: {age} + 1
The result of the operation: the value

// Numeric type of {field} summed
Formula: {language score} + {math score} + {foreign language score}
Result: numeric

// Text type {field} splicing, we recommend the use of "&" splicing text
Formula: {class} + {name}
Operation results: numerical (example: "Class 8 Hu")

Minus sign ( - )

Subtracts two values from each other.


//Pure numeric subtraction
Formula: 3 - 2
Result: 1

// Text and numeric subtraction
Formula: "2" - 1
Result: 1

//Numeric type of {field} and numeric subtraction
Formula: {age} - 1
Result: numeric value

//Numeric type of {field} subtracted
Formula: {sales} - {cost}
Result: numeric value

Multiplication sign ( * )

Two values are multiplied together.


//Pure numeric multiplication
Formula: 3 * 2
Result: 6

//Text and numeric multiplication
Formula: "3" * 2
Result: 6

//{field} of the numeric type multiplied with the numeric value
Formula: {hourly wage} * 8
Result: numerical value

//{field} of numeric type multiplied by
Formula: {unit price} * {quantity}
Result: numerical value

Division sign ( / )

Two values divided by each other.


//Pure numeric division
Formula: 6 / 3
Result: 2

//Division of text and numeric values
Formula: "6" / 2
Result: 3

//Division of numeric types of {field} and numeric values
Formula: { annual interest rate} / 365
Result: numeric value

//Division of numeric types of {field}
Formula: {sales} / {quantity}
Result: numeric value

Text Operators

Text concatenation operator (&)

Splices two text values together with the same effect as the function CONCATENATE().


// The text splice
Formula: "Class 8" & "Xiaohu"
Result: "Class 8 Xiaohu"

// Text type of {field} with text splicing
Formula: {class} & "Xiao Hu"
Result: text (example: "Class 8 Xiaohu")

// Text type of {field} splicing
Formula: {class} & {name}
Result: text (example: "Class 8 Xiaohu")

Formula: {class} & "-" & {name}
Result: text (example: "Class 8 - Xiao Hu")

// Text and date type of {field} splice
Formula: "Project to be completed by:" & {deadline} & "by"
Result: text

// Text with a numeric type of {field} splice
Formula: "sales this month:" & {sales}
Result: text

// Exception: spliced double quotes
Formula: " \" " & "Xiao Hu" & " \" "
Result: " "Xiaohu" "

Logical operators

Greater than ( > )

To determine whether the first value is greater than the second value, if greater than then output true (TRUE), otherwise output false (FALSE). Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponding to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of a pure value
Formula: 3 > 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text and pure numeric values
Formula: "3" > 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the numeric type of {field} with a pure numeric value
Formula: { test scores} > 60
Result: Boolean

// Determine the size of the numeric type of {field}
Formula: {actual income} > {target income}
Result: Boolean

// Determine the date 1 later than the date 2, the recommended use of IS_AFTER () function
Formula: { cut-off time} > {current time}
Result: Boolean

Greater than or equal to ( >= )

Determine if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value, if greater than or equal to then output true (TRUE), otherwise output false (FALSE). Boolean values (true/false) in the cell corresponding to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of a pure value
Formula: 3 >= 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text and pure values
Formula: "3" >= 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the numeric type of {field} with a pure numeric value
Formula: { test scores} >= 60
Result: Boolean

// Determine the size of the numeric type of {field}
Formula: {actual income} >= {target income}
Result: Boolean

// Determine the date 1 later than or equal to the date 2, the recommended use of IS_AFTER () function
Formula: { cut-off time} >= {current time}
Result: Boolean

Less than (<)

Determines whether the first value is less than the second value. If it is, it prints TRUE, otherwise it prints FALSE. The Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponds to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of the pure value
Formula: 2 < 3
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text versus pure values
Formula: "2" < 3
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type versus the pure value
Formula: {test score} < 60
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type
Formula: {actual income} < {target income}
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine that date 1 is earlier than date 2. IS_BEFORE() is recommended
Formula: {cut-off time} < {current time}
Operation result: Boolean value

less than or equal to (<=)

Determines whether the first value is less than or equal to the second value. If it is, it prints TRUE, otherwise it prints FALSE. The Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponds to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of the pure value
Formula: 2 <= 3
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text versus pure values
Formula: "2" <= 3
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type versus the pure value
Formula: {test score} <= 60
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type
Formula: {actual income} <= {target income}
Operation result: Boolean value

// If date 1 is earlier than or equal to date 2, the IS_BEFORE() function is recommended
Formula: {cut-off time} <= {current time}
Operation result: Boolean value

Equal to (=)

Determines whether the first value is equal to the second value. If so, print TRUE; otherwise, print FALSE. The Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponds to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of the pure value
Formula: 2 = 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text versus pure values
Formula: "2" = 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type versus the pure value
Formula: {test score} = 60
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type
Formula: {actual income} = {target income}
Operation result: Boolean value

// To determine that date 1 equals date 2, the IS_SAME() function is recommended
Formula: {cut-off time} = {current time}
Operation result: Boolean value

Not equal to (! =)

Determines whether the first value is not equal to the second value. If not, the output is TRUE, otherwise, the output is FALSE. The Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponds to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// Determine the size of the pure value
Formula: 3! = 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of text versus pure values
Formula: "2"! = 2
Result: TRUE

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type versus the pure value
Formula: {test score}! = 60
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine the size of the {field} of the numeric type
Formula: {actual income}! = {Target revenue}
Operation result: Boolean value

// Determine that date 1 is not equal to date 2
Formula: {deadline}! = {Current time}
Operation result: Boolean value

And (&&)

Represents the and operation of two logical conditions.If both of the last two logical conditions are TRUE, it outputs TRUE; otherwise, it outputs FALSE. The Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponds to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// The two logical conditions are true
Formula: 3 > 2&&2 > 1
Result: TRUE

// One logical condition is true and one condition is false
Formula: 3 > 2&&1 > 2
Result: FALSE

// The two logical conditions are false
Formula: 0 > 2&1 > 2
Result: FALSE

// Check whether the value is in a certain range
Formula: IF({test score} > 80 && {test score} < 100, "Excellent "," other ")
Result: text

// Determine whether the project is complete.If the project's deadline is not met and is marked as completed, the output is completed on time.
Formula: IF (IS_AFTER ({} to the deadline, TODAY () && {completion status} = "completed", "✅ finish", "other states")
Result: text

// Check whether multiple selected fields are true.Below {rent}, {electricity}, {water} are all tick fields.The AND() function is recommended in the following scenarios.
Formula: IF ({} the rent = TRUE () && {} electricity charge = TRUE () && {water} = TRUE (), "paid out this month, water and electricity," "did not pay for this month hydropower")
Result: text

Or operation ( || )

represents the or operation of two logical conditions.If one of the last two logical conditions is TRUE, it outputs TRUE; if both are FALSE, it outputs FALSE. Boolean value (true/false) in the cell corresponding to the form of "checked" or "unchecked" state.


// The two logical conditions are true
Formula: 3 > 2 | | 2 > 1
Result: TRUE

// One logical condition is true and one condition is false
Formula: 3 > 2 | | 1 > 2
Result: TRUE

// The two logical conditions are false
Formula: 0 > 2 | | 1 > 2
Result: FALSE

// Check whether the value is not in a certain range
Formula: IF ({exam} > 100 | | {exam} < 0, "achievements recorded wrong", "normal" entry)
Result: text