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Summary of Formula Functions and Operators


We have categorized functions and operators into the following six categories, with detailed descriptions.

The column of operators/functions in the table below shows the standard expressions of the functions, where certain values are replaced by English, and the corresponding explanations of the values are as follows.

string: indicates a string value text: text type value logical: the logical value number: the numeric value date: date value item: denotes an array value

where the "[ ]" symbol within the parameter means optional parameters, that is, when using the function can not fill in the values.In the array function this symbol indicates a set of data.

To understand the operators and functions, you can combine the description and examples together will be easier to understand, for example, the "=>" symbol indicates the output of the formula.

Formula operators​

Category Name Grammar codes and patterns Description
NumericAdd+Adds two values together.
NumericMinus-Subtracts two values from each other.
NumericMultiply*Multiply two values together.
NumericDivide/Divides two values.
StringConnector&Splice two text values together.
LogicalGreater than>Determines if the first value is greater than the second value.
LogicalGreater than or equal to>=Determines if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.
LogicalLess than<Determines if the first value is less than the second value.
LogicalLess than or equal to<=Determines if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.
LogicalEqual to=Determines if the first value is equal to the second value.
LogicalNot equal!=If or not the first value is equal to the second value.
LogicalWith&&Indicates the sum of two logical conditions.
LogicalOr||Indicates the or operation of two logical conditions.

Click for operator explanations and scenario examples

Numeric functions​

Category Grammar codes and patterns Description
SUM()SUM(number1, [number2, …])Add all values.
AVERAGE()AVERAGE(number1, [number2, …])Returns the arithmetic mean of multiple numbers.
MAX()MAX(number1, [number2, …])Returns the largest number of values.
MIN()MIN(number1, [number2, …])Returns the smallest of multiple values.
ROUND()ROUND(value, precision)Rounds the value by the specified number of digits.
ROUNDUP()ROUNDUP(value, precision)Rounds the value in the direction of increasing absolute value.
ROUNDDOWN()ROUNDDOWN(value, precision)Rounds the value in the direction of decreasing absolute value.
CEILING()CEILING(value, [significance])Rounds the value up to the nearest multiple of the specified base.
FLOOR()FLOOR(value, [significance])Rounds the value down to the nearest multiple of the specified base.
EVEN()EVEN(value)Rounds the value to the nearest even number in the direction of increasing absolute value.
ODD()ODD(value)Rounds the value to the nearest odd number in the direction of increasing absolute value.
INT()INT(value)Rounds the value down to the nearest integer.
ABS()ABS(value)Takes the absolute value of a value.
SQRT()SQRT(value)Calculate the arithmetic square root of a value.
MOD()MOD(value, divisor)Divide two values to get the remainder.
POWER()POWER(base, power)Computes the multiplicative power of a value (base).
EXP()EXP(power)Compute the multiplication power of e.
LOG()LOG(number, base=10)Computes the logarithm of a value with the specified base.
VALUE()VALUE(text)Converts a text value to a numeric value.

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String function​

NameGrammar codes and patternsDescription
CONCATENATE()CONCATENATE(text1, [text2, …])Concatenates multiple text values into a single text value.(The effect is equivalent to &)
FIND()FIND(stringToFind, whereToSearch,[startFromPosition])Find the position of the first occurrence of a specific text in the content.
SEARCH()SEARCH(stringToFind, whereToSearch,[startFromPosition])Search for the first occurrence of a specific text in the content.
MID()MID(string, whereToStart, count)Extracts a fixed-length piece of text from a specific position in the content.
REPLACE()REPLACE(string, start_character, number_of_characters, replacement)Replace a piece of text at a specific location in the content with new text.
SUBSTITUTE()SUBSTITUTE(string, old_text, new_text, [index])Replaces all of the text at a specific location with new content.
LEN()LEN(string)Count the length of a piece of text.
LEFT()LEFT(string, howMany)Extracts the number of characters from the beginning of the text.
RIGHT()RIGHT(string, howMany)Extracts the number of characters from the end of the text.
LOWER()LOWER(string)Converts all uppercase letters to lowercase.
UPPER()UPPER(string)Convert all lowercase letters to uppercase.
REPT()REPT(string, number)Copy the text content according to the specified number of times.
T()T(value)Determine if the content is a text value.
TRIM()TRIM(string)Clear the spaces at the beginning and end of the text.
ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT()ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(component_string)Encodes the text into the format of a URL.

Click to see the explanation of parameters and examples of scenarios for this class of functions

Logical functions​

Name Grammar codes and patterns Description
IF()IF(logical, value1, value2)Determines whether a condition is met. If it is met, the first value is returned. If not, the second value is returned.
SWITCH()SWITCH(expression, [pattern, result… ],[default])This function is a multi branch selection function. It consists of an expression+multiple (branches+return values). If the expression is equal to a branch value, the function outputs the return value corresponding to the branch.
TRUE()TRUE()Returns the logical value True(true).
FALSE()FALSE()Return logic value false(false)
AND()AND(logical1, [logical2, …])Returns true (true) if all values are true, false (false) otherwise.
OR()OR(logical1, [logical2, …])Returns true (true) if either argument is true, false (false) otherwise.
XOR()XOR(logical1, [logical2, …])Returns true (true) if an odd number of arguments are true, false (false) otherwise.
BLANK()BLANK()Represents a null value.
ERROR()ERROR(message)Displays error messages and messages within cells.
IS_ERROR()IS_ERROR(expression)Checks if an expression is running incorrectly and returns true if it is.
NOT()NOT(logical)Invert the logical condition.

Click to see the explanation of parameters and examples of scenarios for this class of functions

Date functions​

Name Grammar codes and patterns Description
TODAY()TODAY()Returns today's date (year, month, day), but not the exact minute (default is 00:00:00).If you want exact timing, use the NOW() function.
NOW()NOW()Return today's date and time, will be accurate to the minute.
TONOW()TONOW(date, units)Returns the difference (no positive or negative) between the current date and the specified date.
FROMNOW()FROMNOW(date, units)Returns the difference (no positive or negative) between the current date and the specified date.
DATEADD()DATEADD(date, count, units)Add a fixed time interval to the specified date.
DATETIME_DIFF()DATETIME_DIFF(date1, date2, units)Returns the difference (positive or negative) between two dates, i.e. date1 minus date2.
WORKDAY()WORKDAY(startDate, numDays, [holidays])Returns the date several business days after the start date.
WORKDAY_DIFF()WORKDAY_DIFF(startDate, endDate, [holidays])Returns the number of business days between two dates (with plus or minus).
IS_AFTER()IS_AFTER(date1, date2)Compare whether date1 is later than date2, if later then return true, otherwise return false.
IS_BEFORE()IS_BEFORE(date1, date2)Compares whether date1 is earlier than date2, and returns true if earlier than, false otherwise.
IS_SAME()IS_SAME(date1, date2, [units])Compares whether date1 is equal to date2, and returns true if it is, otherwise false.
DATETIME_FORMAT()DATETIME_FORMAT(date, specified_output_format)Format a date to text in a custom form.
DATETIME_PARSE()DATETIME_PARSE(date, [input_format])Converts text to a structured date type.
DATESTR()DATESTR(date)Formats the date as a text in "year-month-day" format (fixed format YYYY-MM-DD)
TIMESTR()TIMESTR(date)Format the date as text in the form "hour:minute:second" (fixed format HH:mm:ss)
YEAR()YEAR(date)Returns the four-digit year of the specified date.
MONTH()MONTH(date)Returns the month of the specified date.
WEEKDAY()WEEKDAY(date, [startDayOfWeek])Returns the day of the week for the specified date.
WEEKNUM()WEEKNUM(date, [startDayOfWeek])Returns the week of the year for the specified date.
DAY()DAY(date)Returns the number of the month the specified date belongs to, in the format of an integer between 1 - 31.
HOUR()HOUR(date)Returns the corresponding hour of the specified date, integer between 0 (12:00 am) and 23 (11:00 pm).
MINUTE()MINUTE(date)Returns the number of minutes corresponding to the specified date, in the format of an integer between 0 and 59.
SECOND()SECOND(date)Returns the number of seconds for the specified date, integer between 0 and 59.
SET_LOCALE()SET_LOCALE(date, locale_modifier)Sets the locale for the specified date and time.
SET_TIMEZONE()SET_TIMEZONE(date, [tz_identifier])Set a specific time zone for the specified date.
CREATED_TIME()CREATED_TIME()Returns the date and time when the record was created.
LAST_MODIFIED_TIME()LAST_MODIFIED_TIME([{field1},{field2}, …])Returns the time when the last modification was made in each cell of the row.

Click to see the parameters of this class and examples of scenarios

Array and other functions​

Name Grammar codes and patterns Description
COUNT()COUNT(number1, [number2, ….])Statistics the number of numeric values.
COUNTA()COUNTA(textOrNumber1, [textOrNumber2, …])Count the number of non-null values.
COUNTIF()COUNTIF(values, keyword, operation)Count the number of keyword occurrences in values.
COUNTALL()COUNTALL(textOrNumber1, [textOrNumber2, …])Count the number of all values, including null values.
ARRAYCOMPACT()ARRAYCOMPACT([item1, item2, item3])Removes empty strings and null values from the array.
ARRAYFLATTEN()ARRAYFLATTEN([item1, item2, item3])Tile an array by removing any array nesting. All data becomes elements of the same array.
ARRAYJOIN()ARRAYJOIN([item1, item2, item3], separator)Concatenate an array of table summaries with a specific delimiter.
ARRAYUNIQUE()ARRAYUNIQUE([item1, item2, item3])Returns only the unique item in the array.
RECORD_ID()RECORD_ID()Returns the ID of the current record.

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