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What's the Difference between a Space and a Workbench?

What is a space?

There are often multiple members of a team working on the same task, so adding all of them to one「Space」will allow them to collaborate.

A 「Space」 is like an office, allowing your employees to have a shared workspace to manage all their projects.「Workbench」 is also a shared workspace for family members to manage their daily schedule and family accounts.


Each workspace contains separate 「Workbench」and 「Contacts」, which are related shown below:


What is a Workbench?

If a 「Space」 is an office, then a 「Workbench」 is a desk in an office.

Users can manage their AITable using the 「Workbench」, which is located in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the interface.

After entering the workbench interface, the user will see a left-right window structure. Next to the left sidebar is the panel that shows the 「Working Catalog」. Based on the permissions assigned to each team member, the file tree structure they can see will also be different. Clicking a file name in the working catalog will open the corresponding file in the editing area on the right.


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