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โœ๏ธ Summary

  • Automatically Track Assigned Task Updates, Never Miss Important Information
  • Customize Website Titles for URL Fields, Enhancing Reading Experience
  • The Lookup Field Upgrade! Now Supports Sorting and Adjusting the Number of Referenced Data
  • Release of Contacts APIs, supporting more enterprise automation scenarios
  • Announcement: API Policy Update - Advanced spaces enjoy higher rights and interests

1. Automatically Track Assigned Task Updates, Never Miss Important Informationโ€‹

When assigning tasks to responsible parties as an administrator, you want them to be notified promptly of any updates to the task content. Previously, responsible parties had to manually track each assigned task to receive updates, which was inefficient and prone to delayed communication.

Now, you can simply check the 'Selected members auto-watch record' option in the member field, and select the appropriate members in the cell. They will receive notification alerts whenever any changes occur in the task record.


As a result, critical information is less likely to be overlooked, and your collaboration efficiency is greatly improved

2. Customize Website Titles for URL Fields, Enhancing Reading Experienceโ€‹

The URL field now supports custom display titles! You can specify meaningful titles and related links for each cell, making it more in line with your business needs and more expressive. For example, you can use a datasheet to create a knowledge base link directory.


3. The Lookup Field Upgrade! Now Supports Sorting and Adjusting the Number of Referenced Dataโ€‹

The Lookup field now supports two powerful new features: sorting for referenced data and control over the number of references displayed. These two functions work together like the ORDER BY and LIMIT combination in SQL, making it easy to display the best or most recent records in your data.

For example, you can use these features to display "customer's first visit date" or "customer's recent visit date", allowing for more effective customer grading and maintenance strategies. This means you can easily find the most important data and sort and display it according to your needs


3. Two Major API Releases: Boosting Automation Efficiency and Convenienceโ€‹

Contacts APIโ€‹

The Contacts API is now available, featuring 13 interfaces. Space admins can easily get and update member, team, and role information in the Contacts using these APIs.

You can export contacts to datasheets or other systems and update the contacts via the APIs.

Note that these APIs are exclusively available to enterprise spaces and accessible only to space administrators to ensure data security.

To learn more details, please refer to the developer documentation

Search Nodes APIโ€‹

Search nodes API has been added this time! Now you can easily get file nodes of specific types and perform precise searches based on permissions or keywords.

To learn more details, please refer to the developer documentation

4. Announcement: API Policy Update - Advanced spaces enjoy higher rights and interestsโ€‹

Starting from July 6th, we will officially charge for API request rates. Different space levels will have the following API request rates limits when requesting the API using user tokens:

  • Free space: 1 QPS, suitable for API learning and experience.
  • Plus space: 5 QPS, suitable for personal application development.
  • Pro space: 10 QPS, suitable for team application development and operation.
  • Enterprise space: 20 QPS, suitable for enterprise-level internal application development and high-concurrency scenarios.

Starting from September 15th, we will officially charge for API usage on a monthly basis. Different space levels will have the following monthly API request limits:

  • Free space: 10,000 requests/month
  • Plus space: 100,000 requests/month
  • Pro space 500,000 requests/month
  • Enterprise space: 2,500,000 requests/month

Click to view the pricing page of AITable


We kindly request that you adjust your API usage accordingly to avoid unnecessary waste before the implementation date. For users with high API request demands, we will be introducing API Incremental Packages to cater to your needs.

We are committed to providing excellent products and services and will continue to improve and optimize our API strategy to better meet your needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support team (