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โœ๏ธ Summary

  • Archive Feature Upgrade: Preserves Two-way Links
  • The custom page is now released, one-stop management of all web resources
  • WorkDoc function upgrade: improved picture components, support for uploading videos, and exporting as Markdown files

In previous versions, archiving a record would erase its two-way link field's content. In this release, we've enhanced the functionality to preserve these associations when archiving records. Now, when a record is archived, its two-way link connections remain intact, and upon unarchiving, these associations are automatically restored. You can now freely archive and restore records without concern for losing important two-way link data.

The custom page is now released, one-stop management of all web resourcesโ€‹

"Custom page" is a file type of AITable, that allows you to easily embed third-party website content into AITable. Team members can view websites directly within AITable without switching browser tabs. You can add online charts, knowledge bases, documents, design drafts, and other resources to AITable through custom pages. Flexible and unified organizational management can be completed in AITable to help improve work efficiency.

WorkDoc function upgrade: improved picture components, support for uploading videos, and exporting as Markdown filesโ€‹

  1. The picture component now supports image enlargement, rotation, and downloading images to the local.
  2. With the new upload video function, you can insert a problem demonstration video into a customer feedback document to allow engineers to understand the problem more intuitively; or you can insert an operation process video into a standard operating procedure (SOP) document to help readers understand the steps more clearly and intuitively.
  3. Supports exporting WorkDoc to Markdown format files. This format can preserve the style of the text and can be easily imported into other Markdown editors.